今天是8月10日,距离里约奥运会开幕已经过去四天了,而距离2016年9月份ACCA考试还剩25天, 各位正在备考ACCA的小伙伴们,你们复习进度如何了呢?今天ACCA考试网为大家带来的每日依赖你时ACCA考试科目F3《财务会计》精选题,一起来试试吧!
  Question:After checking a business cash book against the bank statement,which of the following items could require an entry in the cash book?
  A.Bank charges
  B.A cheque from a customer which was dishonoured
  C.Cheque not presented
  D.Deposits not credited
  E.Credit transfer entered in bank statement
  F.Standing order entered in bank statement.
  The correct answers are:
  Bank charges
  A cheque from a customer which was dishonoured
  Credit transfer entered in bank statement
  Standing order entered in bank statement.
  The other two items are part of the bank reconciliation.